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Ball Bearing Turbo
S3 licensed
Quote from MadCat360 :In the thread Jshort posted he actually claims throttle while braking makes "ground effects."

Well duh, it creates the effects of braking and throttle at the same time!
Ball Bearing Turbo
S3 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :I am therefor not too worried if the cars are perfect or just "reasonably good" in terms of their physics, instead I would rather be reacting to changes to air and track temperature and other dynamic elements of the race track which no sim yet bothers to simulate

Thoughts on RF2's approach? Seems to me like they're concerned about the same things that you are; and although the current Beta has incomplete things and some switches turned off, their intent and idea towards your ideology are apparent and indeed already drive-able to some degree. Though the tire physics are rather decent ATM as far as I can tell, so it is quite promising.
Ball Bearing Turbo
S3 licensed
I thought Racing Legends WAS going to be the best thing ever; even some of the screens they had on the site looked pretty amazing, even by today's standards.

Anyway, "bunch of criers" I agree with, but there's no denying that things are pretty slow over here. I mean seriously, in 2006/7 I thought that in 2012 we'd have a pretty revolutionary product in LFS, based on Scawen's talent and the things we used to talk about on this forum. Clearly that is not the case, so I think your response is a bit melodramatic at this point. Albeit I do find it funny when people who joined in the last 6 months "complain"
Ball Bearing Turbo
S3 licensed
Cause of death? Really?

Why is everyone so surprized when people of unlimited resources, who are the subject of human worship, can't think of anything better to do with themselves than destroy their bodies?

As said, such a waste. That really sucks, and it will happen again. And again. And again.
Ball Bearing Turbo
S3 licensed
Quote from heson :
I think I need to put some eggs under the lead foot, started over 10 races on spa without seeing la source

Quote from MAGGOT :Took me a couple laps to get 'round the end without going off, and several tries at a race to get around. Mostly got pulled into wrecks by the AI, or I'd rear-end someone going much slower than they should have been. The AI still doesn't like driving in a pack, but it isn't as bad as rF1 IIRC in that regard.

I really want to do some more racing...

Hehe... I don't have a ton of time to race right now, and I'm kind of in love with the Megane.

But every couple days I fire up Spa and that "winged" F1 booby tra... er, "car", and proceed to see how much adrenaline I can generate. It takes me a few attempts to actually get around the track in one piece, because let's face it - there's no point in being careful

Invariably, my sessions start with me thinking all is under control until around half way through a lap. Then a little extra cocky throttle application sends me just a hair wider than I think I'll go, and I'm thrown into a howling chaotic clothes dryer full of hay bails and wheels torn asunder, terminated only by the rather tranquil protest of the local dairy cows at my disastrous arrival... MOO.
Ball Bearing Turbo
S3 licensed
Quote from Postman Pat :And iRacing feels bad now. I think rF2 has the best tyre model out. I never got on with rF1 btw.

I wonder if Todd is/will try it, I'd like to know what he thinks...
Ball Bearing Turbo
S3 licensed
Probably has a funny accent!
Ball Bearing Turbo
S3 licensed
Should've bought RF2, better physics
Ball Bearing Turbo
S3 licensed
Quote from USRacer :What? Trolling me is absurd of.. try re-inverting the y-axis of your penis and bring me some real photos. Off you go.

Sounds painful; the original inversion - I'm not into that sort of thing so no need for re-inversion. Penis' are generally at an angle so it's not strictly the Y axis we'd need to deal with anyway... but that aside, I didn't mean to troll you per se, you're new to the forums so I should've taken the time to explain...

There's not much progress on LFS right now, and hasn't been for quite some time so this forum gets littered occasionally with whining about progress, and even requests for "some news" etc.

So my post was more of a "good luck with that", not meant to be an insult to you personally
Ball Bearing Turbo
S3 licensed
Phil wins. Send the 12 quid to Eric.
Ball Bearing Turbo
S3 licensed

Thread I made back BEFORE there was stalling and clutch damage in LFS; proclaiming that there was clutch damage, and then looking like a tard and having people laugh at me. Pretty funny actually.
Ball Bearing Turbo
S3 licensed
Quote from USRacer : Can we also get a sneak preview of what's to come?

Ball Bearing Turbo
S3 licensed
Quote from PMD9409 :Here you go BBT (or anyone else):

Still on default setup.

Must've had a grin on your face that whole lap, no?

Quote from MAGGOT :Finally got a chance to do a couple laps last night. Above all, what I learned, was that I would have died many, many times over had I been a driver back in the 60s.

It was fun, though. I enjoyed the old cars on a track far more detailed than what we have in GPL. I have a lot of knock in my steering wheel, though. I've done the suggested torque setting in the player ini as per the thread on the rF forums, but there's still a lot of hard pull on the wheel in some bumps while the rest of the FFB feels a little flat by comparison. Hopefully I'll get a chance to do some more driving sometime soon and then I can dig a little and sort out my FFB.

Graphically it's ugly, imho. Really just not good, but if I can get the FFB working well and enough 60s content is released for it I think I'll be satisfied with my purchase. Does anyone know if more 60s content is planned from ISI or just have to wait for third party stuff?

Has anyone started sorting out new paint schemes for any of the cars? Now I'm itching to give my "Frankenstein" a new look. (Brownie points for anyone who catches the Death Race 2000 reference!)

As far as I know there is more vintage content planned, this is what they say should be ready for the full release:

1960′s Historic Racing (includes both open-wheel and hard-top vehicles)
1970′s stock car racing
Renault Meganes and Clios
Modern Endurance Racing (multiple vehicle classes)
Open-Wheel Trainers
Formula Renault 3.5
Formula ISI

Since there's no 60s hard top vehicles yet I'd assume they're still to come.

What don't you like about the graphics? I think they're a good balance between detail and performance (I can run the game on one video card at max with a full grid, so even for a beta, when it's working right, optimization is decent already). The models look pretty good so far... Not really sure what there is to complain about especially on the LFS forum . If the lighting isn't your taste you could use a post process injector to get it to look how you want I guess?
Ball Bearing Turbo
S3 licensed
@ Legoflamb:
Change to "all cars and all tracks", then everything becomes available including the layouts.
Ball Bearing Turbo
S3 licensed
Quote from The Very End :if their motivation was still up


Last edited by Ball Bearing Turbo, .
Ball Bearing Turbo
S3 licensed
Quote from PMD9409 :

Modders trying to pop stuff out uber fast. Probably not the best idea but at least they figure out how to produce stuff.

Edit: F*** that, gotta pay.

Yeah I saw that a few days ago. $7 isn't going to happen :P But it looks like they're pretty serious about what they do, marketing recreations to potential car buyers and what not. Fun way to make a living really.
Ball Bearing Turbo
S3 licensed
It is kinda weird, they did it to show the new mod structure and whatnot. I doubt the real release will work that way.
Ball Bearing Turbo
S3 licensed
Quote from JJ72 :Just put down 10 euros.

Rfactor2 is pretty steep for a beta and this seemed like a bargin in comparison.

This drives me nuts...

You're not paying for a beta. You're paying for a final release, and you simply get access for the beta for doing so. Did you think they should charge less for it since it's in Beta right now?
Ball Bearing Turbo
S3 licensed
... Don't be one of those guys who jumps into their first rookie race, sees some bad racing and says "OMG this is the worst racing I've ever seen in my life".

Get your D license and have a few races. The worst you'll see is in Rookie, and it's hit and miss at the best of times.

iRacing isn't the best sim anymore (and never really was in terms of tires), but I'd be surprised if you don't find good quality racing there. That's one thing you can't knock compared to anything else ATM.
Ball Bearing Turbo
S3 licensed
More interested in that Audi...

At this point in life I enjoy cars that don't require me to support my sack whilst driving (68 F1s notwithstanding)

I find it curious how fast the mod makers are getting to town on this, since it's still Beta. but that's not a complaint
Ball Bearing Turbo
S3 licensed
... Thanks for making me see how slow I am Phil...
Ball Bearing Turbo
S3 licensed
RF2's diagram shows surface temp, or at least VERY close to the surface. As said if you hold CTRLSHIFT in LFS it shows output much like RF2.
Ball Bearing Turbo
S3 licensed

What's with you lately just taking the piss with everything?
Ball Bearing Turbo
S3 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :I'd like to try it, of course. But I'm not willing to part with money for it no matter what the hype is or how many videos of deflecting tyres are posted

I do like to buy noteworthy sims early - I pre-ordered nKP, rF, GTR, CARS, F12010. But not this one. With the reputation rF has in my mind, I'll wait for the finished product and see what people think then.

But but but....

If people think it's good now (Dennis!) won't they presumably think it's even better upon full release?
Ball Bearing Turbo
S3 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :
I haven't tried rFactor2. I don't plan to. It doesn't excite me, and I don't believe it will stand the test of time as being any good. I recall lots of people thought (and still do!) that rF1 was actually quite good.

Yes, but *I* never thought RF1 was good

But seriously though, aren't you even the least bit curious about the video I posted of that crappy Honda and the tire behaviour? LFS is the only folks who've done anything remotely like that so far, surely there's some cells in your noggin just dying to have a go, and you're telling yourself otherwise!

I've "taken the piss" with every ISI product to date on this very forum... until now.